Nene Kedi No. 1 2019 Telugu Movie Watch Online. Shakalaka Shankar, Gurleen Chopra, Mukul Dev Nene Kedi No. 1 / Nene KediNo. 1 / Nene Kedi No. 1 / Nene Kedy No. 1. Download Free from iBomma.

Synopsis:Jackie(Shakalaka Shankar) is a roadside Romeo who misses the love and care of his parents. Because of this, he gets into a wrong path and wastes his time. But after a time, he singles out kids who are going through the same problem as him and kidnaps them and treats them well. This is also the same time when yet another Shankar(Shakalaka Shankar) is brought into the picture. So, who is this look alike and what connection does he have with Jackie forms the rest of the story.