Columbus 2015 Telugu Movie Watch Online. Sumanth Ashwin, Roshan Basheer, Murtaza Gandhi’s Columbus / Cholumbus / Colum bus / Colombus. Download Free from iBomma.

Synopsis:Ashwin(Sumanth Ashwin) is a college going youth who falls in love with Indu(Mishti). As time passes by, Ashwin leaves all his career goals behind and lives life with only Indu's point of view. This nature of his irritates Indu big time and she ignores him completely and heads off to Delhi. A disappointed Ashwin follows her to Delhi. Incidentally, he gets mixed up in a murder mystery and is arrested. By the time he gets out, Indu has left him for good. This is also the time when he comes across Neeraja(Seerat Kapoor) who promises him to help find Indu.