Adi Oka Idi Le | iBOMMA

Adi Oka Idi Le

Cast:Sabyasachi Mishra, Radhika Preeti
Director:Swarna Babu
Synopsis:Siddu and Pooja share a playful camaraderie marked by constant teasing and banter, Siddu harbors a secret he is deeply in love with her. However, unbeknownst to him, Pooja has her heart set on Mithun. Unfortunately for Pooja, Mithun is indifferent to love, shaped by the constant quarrels of his parents that have left him wary of relationships.

Adi Oka Idi Le movie in Telugu streaming in HD Quality. Latest 2019 Telugu movies watching online and download free. Director Swarna Babu movie starring Sabyasachi Mishra, Radhika Preeti.